NC Data

by NC Data



NC Data allows users to get information from a variety of public sources. The app has three levels of subscription, with a limited Free Plan for all users, a Standard subscription and a Premium Subscription.The source of the information is public and it is always referenced. Please provide feedback if you see something missing or if you want a feature.*Company information*: Connect directly to several official corporate registries and retrieve available information. More corporate registries will be made available and we may increase the level of detail of the information available in each registry.*Lobbies*: Get data on lobbies and lobbyists in Europe. More will be added based on customers feedback. This feature is available for paying customers only, but will be available for all during a grace period post launch.*Sanctions and PEP*: Search sanctions databases in several countries and international institutions. Check if an individual is a PEP. This feature is ready but disabled at launch and it will be enabled after the grace period post launch for paying customers.*News*: News from several sources. The article always indicates the source and the link to visit the source. This feature is available for paying customers only, but will be available for all during a grace period post launch.